BoConcept współpracował z deweloperem, aby podnieść estetykę dwóch luksusowych apartamentów typu penthouse
Let's get inspired
With showrooms in 67 countries, BoConcept has already achieved remarkable international market penetration. At BoConcept the focus is on you. Because the more you it is, the more extraordinær it is.
Projekt mający na celu stworzenie przytulnego i zachęcającego środowiska biznesowego
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How a small hotel in the touristy city of Athens has obtained particularly happy clients.
Designed by Henrik Pedersen in 2008, the brief from BoConcept was to create a timeless lounge chair True to his nature, Henrik showcased something radically different
A collaboration between two like-minded businesses has given shape to a new way to selling luxury apartments. In the coveted North-west coastal town of Lytham St Annes in the UK, this new development offers effortless living in an attractive setting, with every interior aspect taken care of too.
BoConcept’s Mexico franchiser, Carlos Salamonovitz, is not shy of a challenge. For the build-to-rent project Riga Bosques in Mexico City, the BoConcept team gave it all they got, and then some.
With the SS24 collection, BoConcept invites you on a Danish summerhouse experience close to the sea. Post-pandemic, people across the globe are spending more time than ever in the open air. Our 360 campaign for SS24 celebrates the elemental need to be close to nature and gives a respectful nod to the Nordic principle of “friluftsliv”; to appreciate a simple life outdoors without disturbing nature.
Nasz zestaw profesjonalnych narzędzi
For the SS24 collection, we have immersed ourselves entirely in a coastal summer vision. Inspired by the Danish coast that surrounds our small country, the nature that we know so well, we have visualised our new products in a setting both familiar and close to our hearts.
Decades of insight into custoimer' homes has given BoConcept the expertise to advise on how to plan and ecorate contemporary interiors, for living as well as for working
The danish company's wealth of online resources supports planners in creating attractive work environments that promote activity-based working – just like its own HQ in Herning…
With a track record spanning over 70 years and worldwide reach, Danih design brand BoConcept is a trusted partner for architects and specifiers serving the international contract market
Karim Rashid and BoConcept bring modern style to a London timeshare by Flyway. The Chelsea collection adds a cozy touch, reflecting the trend for well-designed, longer-stay spaces in modern living.
Nowy Jork, USA (zdjęcia Diane Kang)
Looking to bring some Scandinavian style to a multi-million-dollar residential project in Miami, the developer turned to iconic Danish brand BoConcept to provide the hygge
BoConcept offers contract specifiers a variety of interior schemes and plenty of room for individual choice – particularly attractive to young, urban tenants looking to add their own personal touches.
10,000 pieces of furniture for 482 apartments in just 13 weeks? When it came to the Victory Plaza Residential complex in London, BoConcept showed it can do the math
BoConcept's Nawabari collection, in collaboration with BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, offers customizable furniture for modern living and workspaces. The collection showcases a blend of style and practicality, emphasizing BoConcept's tradition of partnerships with design experts.
In a building industry where topics such as quality and sustainability are high on the agenda amongst the leading players, the contract team at BoConcept London is gaining traction
Herning, Dania
Shatin, Hongkong
Hamburg, Niemcy
Odkryj inspirację stojącą za apartamentem ślubnym i dowiedz się, dlaczego wymagania Larsa dotyczące jakości i rzemiosła sprawiły, że jesteśmy idealnym partnerem.
Współpraca BoConcept + BIG
Billund, Dania
Miami, Stany Zjednoczone
Monachium, Niemcy
Wielka Brytania
Budynek mieszkalny w Faversham
Kopenhaga, Dania
Bukareszt, Rumunia
Tuż obok imponującej ściany górskiej w austriackich Alpach powstała zupełnie nowa konstrukcja
BoConcept oferuje decydentom różnorodne aranżacje wnętrz i dużo miejsca do indywidualnego wyboru — szczególnie atrakcyjne dla młodych, miejskich mieszkańców, którzy chcą dodać swój osobisty akcent do wyposażenia wnętrza.
BoConcept łączy siły z Jeffem Lee, aby zmodernizować Wentworth Grange, ekskluzywny dom opieki dla osób starszych.
Greystar partners with BoConcept for New Be Casa Essential Project in Madrid
Monachium, Niemcy
Glasgow, Szkocja
Londyn, Wielka Brytania
Bielefeld, Niemcy
Chichester, Wielka Brytania
Rennes, Francja
Bukareszt, Rumunia
Londyn, UK
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park — East Wick, Londyn, Wielka Brytania
Londyn, Wielka Brytania
Londyn, Wielka Brytania
Londyn, Wielka Brytania
Kent, Wielka Brytania
Londyn, Wielka Brytania
Reading, Wielka Brytania